I have chosen the song - I'm Still Standing by Elton John. This song reaches the requirements of an anthem. The song was originally about how Elton John processed his feelings after a breakup with an ex partner. It focuses on a lover moving on after a breakup. It was a difficult time for Elton John and you can see how intimate he felt through his lyrics. I intend to use this song to demonstrate that even though you may feel like you are at the lowest point of your life you can always come out 'standing'.
The song can be interpreted as overcoming difficult situations in your lifetime and coming out stronger. I chose this song as I believe that it has a clear narrative. My plan is to use multiple characters, all from multiple social groups going through common hardships e.g., bullying, getting knocked down physically, a breakup, etc. There will be a narrative that follows these characters on how they deal with each hardship and overcome them. Meanwhile, in order to have a performance aspect to my music video, I will have my artist performing in front of the camera with a various amount of shots. It is important for me to differentiate the difference of the artist himself and the characters in the narrative, in order to not confuse my audience.